We Are Wolf: Melany Jimenez
In this month's We Are Wolf interview, we're talking with Teacher Assistant, Melany Jimenez!
Snow Much To Do
Wolf’s own Occupational Therapist, Katrina Karpeichik, offers her top picks for snow-themed OT activities you can do at home!
Executive Function & Goals
If your child struggles with Executive Function, setting and working towards a goal can be challenging. What can you do to help your child?
We Are Wolf: Melissa Phillips
Learn more about Melissa Phillips, a Teacher Assistant at Wolf who joined us this Fall, in this month's We Are Wolf interview!
Talking With Your Child About Learning Differences
Talking with your child about their learning differences is often one of the most challenging struggles parents face. We're here to help!
We Are Wolf: Katy Orlowski
Learn all about our new Speech and Language Pathologist, Katy Orlowski, in this month's We Are Wolf interview!
Breaking Down The Immersion Model ©
Nothing is more “Wolf” than our Immersion Model ©. But what exactly is this innovative teaching model and what does it look like in action?
“Fall” Into Occupational Therapy
Check out our top OT activities that focus on key areas while also engaging your Complex Learner and family!
We Are Wolf: Julia McKay
It's time to meet one of the newest members of the Wolf School community, our fabulous Occupational Therapist, Julia McKay!
Your Parent Teacher Conference
To help you prepare for your first parent teacher conference of the school year, we put together 3 things to expect. Read on to learn more!