Lower School
Enrichment Activities: Lower School students participate in a rotating schedule of enrichment activities including therapeutic horseback riding, parkour, gymnastics, and swimming. These activites give our students the chance to get out into the community while also working on improving motor development, coordination, and overall body awareness.
ART AND MUSIC: Students explore a variety of different mediums in Art classes including watercolor, pattern painting, stamping, printmaking, pastels, sculpture, brushstroke, and collage. Projects incorporate art from other cultures, music, storytelling, and movement, as well as information on form, color, various art periods, and important artists.
In music class students study a wide range of concepts including beat, rhythm, tempo, meter, dynamics, and melody. The students learn a diverse range of songs, play numerous percussion instruments, and explore ways to create different sounds using voices and body percussion.
Art and Music are offered once a week for all Lower School students. In addition, one social studies lesson per week is taught through art and music using an integrated art and music approach.
Middle School
ELECTIVES: At the middle school level students are offered electives in order to provide exposure to a range of high-interest topics that allow for student choice. Electives have included: Outdoor Education, Photography/Yearbook, Theatre Arts, Family and Consumer Science, Wood Shop, Gardening, and a variety of art and music selections. Students participate in three electives per year.
SERVICE LEARNING: All Middle School students at Wolf participate in Service Learning projects in order to apply their academic and social skills to address real-life needs in their school and the wider community. Projects have included recycling and the impact on the environment, “buddy projects” with younger Wolf students, and drives to support those in need.