Discover the Difference Sponsorship Opportunities

Celebrate 25 years of Wolf by showing your support with a Discover the Difference sponsorship!
Our Discover the Difference sponsors play a critical role in the success of Discover the Difference. Made up of community members, current and past families, organizations, and businesses, Discover the Difference would not be possible without the support of our sponsors! If you have any questions regarding sponsorship opportunities, please reach out to
Interested in becoming a Sponsor? Fill out the form below to pay online or complete and mail in our Sponsorship form.
Sponsor Levels
$25,000 Diamond Sponsor:
20 tickets, front cover recognition and inside cover ad in program, recognized at event, link on Wolf’s website, recognized on Wolf’s social media and event press release
$10,000 Titanium Sponsor:
16 tickets, back inside cover ad in program, recognized at event, link on Wolf’s website, recognized on Wolf’s social media
$5,500 Platinum Sponsor:
10 tickets, full page ad in program, recognized at event, link on Wolf’s website, recognized on Wolf’s social media
$2,500 Gold Sponsor:
6 tickets, full page ad in program, recognized at event, link on Wolf’s website
$1,500 Silver Sponsor:
4 tickets, half-page ad in program, recognized at event, link on Wolf’s website
$500 Friend Sponsor:
2 tickets, 1/4 page ad in program, recognized at event, link on Wolf’s website