215 Ferris Avenue, East Providence, RI 02916 | 401-432-9940

“Spectacles & Spectators”

Our very own art teacher extraordinaire, Keri King was one of the participating artists in this months second annual PVDFest! As part of a city initiative to help energize and transform downtown Providence,  Keri installed her mural project titled ‘Spectacles & Spectators,’ throughout the footprint of the festival.  ‘Spectacles & Spectators’ was a 2-D mural project designed to playfully invite PVDFest-goers to consider their dynamic relationships with the visual art, performances, and architecture of the festival. Her work was concentrated in 2 locations: Aborn Street on the side of AS220 and Fulton Street in an alleyway in back of City Hall that runs between Eddy Street.

Keri was “so incredibly grateful for the opportunity to help celebrate Providence as a vibrant center for art, music, food, and fun!”  We are so proud of her! And don’t worry, you still have a few days to see some of her wonderful artwork! The  AS220 installation is currently still up! Be sure you go and check it out!

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  1. REPLY
    Jill Antonellis says

    Oh my! Keri, you are so talented!! I wish we had seen your murals in person. Congratulations.

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