A Day at Wolf
Getting ready to learn
Everyday experiences, such as following teacher directions or participating in a group, can overwhelm children with multiple learning differences. Self-regulatory and sensory integration strategies used throughout the day, such as chewing gum, wheelbarrow walking, jumping rope, or climbing a rock wall, help students to focus and achieve learning readiness. We teach children to apply strategies that help them to listen, to attend, and to complete activities independently.
Making friends
Helping students build strong positive relationships with their peers is a primary goal at The Wolf School. While our students possess average to above-average cognitive potential, they often misread social cues and become confused or frustrated by situations such as sharing a favorite book with a classmate or determining who to sit near during lunch. Because friendships play such a crucial role in building a child’s self-confidence and self-esteem, The Wolf School curriculum is designed to reinforce both verbal and nonverbal social skills, such as eye contact, body language, personal space, turn taking and tone of voice.
A partnership with parents
We share with our parents a deep sense of responsibility for the success of their children. Members of The Wolf School team work together with families, sharing information about academic and social issues in order to help meet student needs. By maintaining communication between school and home, we gain a thorough understanding of every child who attends The Wolf School. This close working partnership is essential for creating real opportunities for progress and growth throughout the school year. Carryover of the program at home produces even greater benefits.