As the school year closes, we want to thank all our Board members for all they do to support Wolf! We also want to say a tremendous thanks and recognize a few of our Board members who are finishing out their terms and coming off the Board. The interesting similarity with these three Board members is that none of them had a direct connection to Wolf prior to making the commitment to supporting our mission. That is truly remarkable and very special!
Thank you to Leslie Goodwin who served as a member of the Wolf Board for three years. Thank you for your time and dedication to the mission- we appreciate your commitment to Wolf!
Thank you to Tom Cicatiello who served on the board for 7 years! You have guided this school through challenging financial times and have brought us to a place where Wolf is the most financially solid it has ever been. The input and insight you have given Wolf over the years has truly helped to make Wolf the beautiful place it is today!
And a very heartfelt thanks to Scott DiChristofero, who has given many years to The Wolf School. Scott has been the Board Chair for the past 6 years and was on the Board since 2005! We are so grateful for your efforts to move the school forward through many transitions. With dedication and passion, you have served Wolf well and we will forever be thankful for all you have done!