While the end of the school year may just be around the corner, we’re still celebrating our incredible new staff members who joined Wolf this school year! Today, learn more about Teacher Assistant, Lena Kelly in this month’s We Are Wolf interview!
1. Can you tell us a bit about your background before coming to Wolf?
Before coming to Wolf, I worked for many years in various positions at Bradley Hospital and the Bradley School. My long-ago career path was based in psychology. I moved toward education, specifically Special Education, when my son was diagnosed with ASD. I needed to learn in order to best understand and advocate for his strengths and needs. I worked in a public high school in Massachusetts for my first year of teaching. Honestly, that was a pretty unhappy year. I was fairly convinced I had made a huge mistake in changing careers. No one was happy to be at that school- not the students, their families, or the teachers. The relationship between the staff and administration was adversarial. There was a lack of drive, collaboration, and care. Worse, although I was working as a special educator, I didn’t feel the system was set up to meet the needs of unique learners. Then I read about The Met School in Providence. Like Wolf, The Met focuses on individually structured learning plans that leverage student’s strengths, while recognizing and supporting their needs. That made sense! I spent 17 years at The Met, initially as a special educator, then as the district Special Ed Director.
2. What is your favorite part of your job at Wolf?
I feel fortunate to be in a learning environment designed to develop learning plans that meet students where they are. Although this requires fluidity and is sometimes challenging, I believe that this is an optimum structure to teach all learners. At Wolf and throughout my career teaching kids, I always love those moments when kids ‘break the code’ or figure out something they have been struggling to grasp. Safe and responsive learning environments, like Wolf, support these “A-ha!” moments.
3. What motivated you to want to work with Complex Learners?
As I mentioned, my son started me on this path. I enjoy working with complex learners and their families because it challenges the passion and creativity of teaching on a daily basis.
4. How would you describe the Wolf School community?
Collaborative. I appreciate that Wolf maintains a small learning community, recognizing the vital connection of relationships, teaching, and learning. At Wolf, teachers, staff, and admin get to know students and families on a deep level. This adds another dimension to being able to build an individualized, tailored educational experience.
5. What is your favorite meal (either homecooked or at a restaurant)?
Lobster-if it’s part of a clam boil or bake- even better!
We are so thrilled to have Lena as part of our school community! With her experience and passion, both students and staff are lucky to have her at Wolf! To learn more about other Wolf Staff, read some of our past We Are Wolf interviews!