Holiday Countdown
Just in time for the holidays - get ready for 21 days of tips for parents of Complex Learners!
Assessment and Treatment
Bridge the gap between assessment and treatment with 3 takeaways from The Wolf School's Complex Learners Conference
Teaching Complex Learners
Help your Complex Learner's teacher make this school year successful and fun for your child!
School to Summer
Make the school to summer transition easier for your Complex Learner with our helpful tips.
Wolf Changed My Life
Hear firsthand the impact of a Wolf School education from a Complex Learner
Take a Mindful Minute
Discover how mindfulness strategies can help your Complex Learner
Move to Learn
A key component of the Immersion Model© and one of Wolf School students favorite activities...learn more about Move to Learn!
GoLocal Visits Wolf
GoLocal visits The Wolf School to discuss movement and learning with Head of School, Anna Johnson.
No More Holi-daze
The holidays can lead to anxiety, withdrawal, and meltdowns for Complex Learners. But this can change with some planning and preparation!
You’ve Got a Friend in Me
One of the hardest things for parents of Complex Learners is watching their child get left out. The good news is there are ways to help!